Meet Michael, The Future Gamer
Everyone meet Michael, a visual representation of the future gamer.
We at conducted a study and predicted how avid gamers could look in the next 20 years if they didn't change their lifestyle habits. From sleep deprivation and dehydration, to lack of vitamin D, digital eye strain and 'playstation thumb' - these are just some of the physical implications of spending hours online, in a gaming chair, away from sunlight and physical activity. So how serious is this?
We reveal Michael, the future gamer of 2040.
The reality of the issue
According to Limelight, the average gamer spends 6 hours each week playing online video games which is an increase of 19.3% in the last year. Gamers in the UK play the most (7.15 hours per week), with many even becoming addicts and spending up to 18 hours a day online.
Video game 'addiction' is now recognized as an official psychological disorder by the WHO (World Health Organization) and referred to as 'gaming disorder' - despite opposition from the industry and academics.
What is Gaming Disorder?
According to the World Health Organization, 'gaming disorder' will be distinguished by "impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences".
With this being recognized as a worldwide issue and gaming hours on the rise - just what impact does this have on our physical appearance and health?
We conducted in-depth research into every physical impact on the body and health of a human being from spending too much time indoors and online. And here is what we found out:

Black rings under eyes
Increased periods of screen activity whilst game playing over a long period of time can cause black rings to form in the skin under your eyes.
Bloodshot eyes, aka Digital Eye Strain
Extended periods of time also causes Computer Vision Syndrome or Digital Eye Strain which presents itself as dry and bloodshot eyes. This causes irritation, redness, the inability to focus and double or blurred vision with the brightness, resolution, glare and quality of your screen affecting this.
Hair loss
Vitamin D is essential to our health, but because it is absorbed mostly from sun exposure and certain foods our future gamer is certainly lacking in it. Because the body is lacking vitamin D, it means hair loss occurs, new and old hair follicles are not stimulated, and new hair growth is stunted.
Indent in skull
Consistent, light pressure built up over a number of years could cause an indent in the hair, skin and skull if stressed long enough. This means that overuse of headsets during gameplay over twenty years could cause deformation.
Hairy ears
Due to poor air quality and a lack of circulation, more hair is likely to grow around the ears. This is a defence mechanism the body is creating to protect from dirt and debris it no longer feels is removed.

Playstation Thumb & blistered fingertips
Known as 'Playstation Thumb', Onycholysis is a nail disorder caused by repetitive trauma such as tapping fingernails on a keyboard or controller causes the fingernail to loosen from its nail bed. These repetitive motions from game playing can also induce pain from muscle stiffness and blisters in the fingertips from overuse.
Nintendo arthritis
Nintendo arthritis aka 'Nintendinitis', is a new type of repetitive strain injury that causes ulceration and calluses on the hands. If these are intertwined with key nerves as they develop, they will not be able to be surgically removed.
Trigger finger
Trigger finger, sometimes known as 'Gamers Thumb', is a term given when you put a strain on the tendons in your thumb or ring finger for long periods of time. This causes them to become so inflamed from gaming that you suffer pain, limited movement, and a locking sensation when trying to straighten or bend your fingers.
First-person shooter
First-person shooter or carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition caused by repetitive motion and overuse of a computer mouse and keyboard. This compresses the carpal tunnel, causing nerve and weakness to the palmar abduction. This causes a burning sensation in the fingers and thumb as well as sharp pains in the arm and shoulder. If this is not treated in time, this can lead to numbness and eventually tumours on the wrists, with amputation as the only effective treatment.
Hunchback & rounded shoulders
A condition that slowly develops over time, a hyperextended neck, rounded shoulders and hunchback will start as a dull pain occasionally and work its way from your neck to your hands and back as the strains slowly create a bend in the neck which creates the hunchback. This is caused by elongated periods of time sitting in uncomfortable positions without stretching or counteracting with regular exercise.
Muscular stiffness
Staying tense in these uncomfortable positions for extended periods of time will also cause pain in your shoulders. Excessive gaming and sleep deprivation add to raised and tense shoulders, which over time, develops into a repetitive strain injury.
With intense periods of gaming, nutrition is the first thing to go out of the window. Not only are you idle for long periods of time, but if you do remember to eat, it will most likely be a quick, easy and calorific takeaway alongside plenty of fizzy drinks so you can get back to gaming on a sugar high. So over the years, the pounds are going to pile on!
Red, inflamed skin can flare up due to triggered foods, dry air and stress, amongst other things. During intense gaming sessions when continual stress can occur the body releases a hormone called cortisol which can increase inflammation throughout the body and cause an eczema flare-up.

Pale skin
Lacking in vitamin D and B-12 due to lack of sunlight and consuming too much junk food means our future gamer has pasty skin. A symptom of B-12 deficiency, pale skin is caused by the reduction of red blood cells.
Varicose veins
Varicose veins can form when you remain in the same position for prolonged periods of time. This causes the valves of your veins not to function properly, allowing blood to leak and flow backwards, causing the blood to collect and swell.
Swollen ankles
Due to sitting for long periods of time, ankles will become swollen. This is because when inactive for increasing amounts of time, muscles cannot pump fluid back towards the heart, so fluid and blood remain around the ankles, causing swelling and discomfort.
A Closer Look...
Online gaming might be better for ease of access, choice of games and privacy but if you don't pay attention to your lifestyle, the future gamer could be your future. By being mindful of your posture, your intake and screen time, you can create a more balanced lifestyle that can counteract those gaming hours.
The plan to support gaming disorders
The recognition of 'gaming disorders' has led to the NHS launching a long-term plan for the UK's National Centre for Gaming Disorders. The plan designed to combat 'gaming disorder' is headed up by Professor Henrietta Bowden-Jones, who revealed the constantly 'on' environment in gaming means that games easily become addictive, with players feeling the pressure not to let their teammates down by exiting the game, especially in a global digital world with no switch-off time. When paired with decision-making based on reward systems, this leads to high levels of impulsivity. Add in the dopamine hits related to short-term wins, and this means that gamers are constantly searching for the next victory or rush. But does everything come down to the game?
Clinical psychologist Rebecca Lockwood from the National Centre for Gaming Disorders touches on the mental health aspects and the allure of gaming, saying, "I think there's a lot of social anxiety in young people who are gaming. Gaming is a safe space; you can create a new identity for yourself." Suggesting psychological problems like anxiety and depression exist prior to the addiction and that gaming allows people to escape from this by creating an identity or connecting to similar people online. But it can also leave them susceptible to addiction and trigger those pre-existing conditions.
The gaming industry strongly opposed the recognition of 'gaming addiction' from the World Health Organization, arguing this could overshadow underlying issues such as anxiety or depression.
5 tips for avid gamers to stay fit and healthy
Exercise: Make sure you take time to get up, stretch and exercise to warm up your muscles, keep your joints lubricated, and reduce the amount of pain in hunched shoulders, stiff muscles and help tackle obesity.
Prevent eye strain: Avoid glare from your screen by evenly lighting the room, remember to blink and also rest your eyes by taking breaks in between games.
Healthy diet: Eating a poor diet can lead to malnourishment and reduce your mental and physical health. Not only should you eat a balanced diet for your health, but it will also support your in-game performance by helping decision making, concentration and energy levels.
Posture: Save yourself from that horrible hunch by reminding yourself to sit properly and stretch. Not only will this help with short-term aches and pains it will protect you from the future gamer hunchback and rounded shoulders. The best tip here is to invest in a decent chair, make sure your monitor is at eye level and do regular stretching and movement.
Hydrate: Gamers are drawn to soft and energy drinks but do not forget about the importance of H2O! This is because as our body loses water, we lose energy, so it is important to stay hydrated. If not only for energy but for your health too!
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